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Dr Pee Tek Chan

Surfing the Wave of Golden Threshold to Radical Freedom…


Freedom is Awaiting

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“Let me invite you to log on to the world wide web of the Divine gravitational force and allow it to drop you onto the interplanetary highway to Source. The beloved has not forgotten and is waiting for you to come home. Can you sense the calling, the pull, the invitation? Just log on to the nearest gravity site. Hello? Can you hear me? Freedom is awaiting.

We are sacred surfers. Life’s endless waves beckon us to surf them, not to drown in them. Take up your board, which is your body sensation and catch the next looming wave. Drop fully into the pull of gravitational force and you are on your way, surfing towards the shore of freedom.

One day when you are ready to give it all, you may be graced by Grace with the tidal wave. This eternal wave will take you for the ride of your life, through the ocean of love, on to the other shoreless shore, where your beloved is awaiting.”


Love is Conscious Movement of Truth Embodied…


Wisdom Medicine


Dr Pee Tek Chan invites you to Wisdom Medicine, a portal to the higher you, aligning your Mind-Body-Heart-Spirit and Soul with Love, your pure Innocence. This is an invitation to explore your inherent wisdom, tuning in to the essence of your Authentic Self in your daily life, potentially all the way to Source through to Awakening to Self-Realisation of the Non-Self. Learn to discover new possibilities in Self Mastery through meeting and honouring yourself, including embracing the unmet and unloved parts of yourself.

Dr Chan offers a safe place to be heard, to unwind, relax, sharpen clarity, and to dive deep beyond your conditional self, grounding through your amazing body of awareness, which is on loan from Mother Earth. Discover how to align with your spirited Heart, which pulses through the matrix of your mind, body and Earth intelligence. Your mystery Heart is a doorway for you to welcome yourself home to your true spirit of Belonging.



“The Form as taught by Master Pee Tek Chan took my breath away, and descended it into the abyss of my Being only to rise again in and through the portal of a vast cosmic heart.

As I awakened into this formless practice I found it was my own heart, made luminous by the pure sensation of Being. Having arisen from a seven-year long intensely challenging journey of the soul I laughed and cried for I have been bowed into the core of my Self where all things untoward and seemingly wretched effortlessly dissolved into the Light.

I am grateful for this practice that has one direction in its compass – Home.”

